Peace Love Music

Who Do You Know?

Make a list of everyone you know including both women and men. The memory of one person will often spark the memory of others. It doesn’t matter how well you know them, or how long its has been, place no judgement for this list, its a rough draft. Listing will be ongoing because you will continue to think of more once you start. Just write them down.

Here’s some ideas to help you get started:

Family: (sisters, brothers, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews, etc.)

Friends: (old friends you havent seen in a while, new friends, people you like)

Work: (think about every place you have worked, different groups of people at work, engineers, scientists, secretaries, planners, clerical workers, nurses, repairmen )

School: (the ones you attended, your kids attended, all of them)

Teachers, Musicians, Artists, Fire fighters, Tellers, who does what?

Volunteer work you have done, who else helped?

Church: (think about the various church organizations you have worked in, people who belong to other churches, etc.)

Neighbors: (where have you lived)

People who have moved away:

Sports: (team mates, coaches, other parents you waited with for your kid’s games, etc.)

Club members: (what groups have you participated in? Do you belong to a gym? Rotary club? etc.)

Think about your hobbies, who do you know that does the same things?

Friendship lists:

Names will continue to pop into your head, write them down. You may be pleasantly surprised at just how many people you do know.

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